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Music Theory

Music is a language, in fact it is the universal language, and as in any other language there are rules of grammar, orthography and calligraphy, as well as various signs and symbols that allow us to read, write and speak correctly.


The solfeo is the subject that develops the capacity to read and write music, and in return allows the performer to reproduce music scores with his instrument. In addition, with the study of solfeo, the academic musician trains, educates and sensitizes his ear, and through specific education methods develops a deep understanding of the musical language.


In addition to many years of experience and a well organized education system, it is important to mention that our theoretical curriculum has official validity by the (ABRSM) Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music.

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Music Theory
Mobile School
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12601 NW 115 Ave #A112, Medley, FL 33178 

(786) 709-2864

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